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Dec 16, 2017
Day 20: Subway Disaster
​Today proved to be a bit of a challenge. The first thing I probably need to explain is that the subway is super easy to figure out here...
Dec 16, 2017
Day 17, 18, 19: Classes and Cinema
Some people hate Mondays, but for me, I feel like Friday is the saddest day of the week. Because Friday is the last day of school, and I...
Dec 12, 2017
Day 16: Studying
At this point, every day life has taken over, and that's a good thing. For that reason my blogs may no longer be every day, simply...
Dec 11, 2017
Day 15: Another Day
We've reached that point of the stay where there are easy days and tough days. Today was the latter, but thankfully there is another day...
Dec 10, 2017
Day 14: DongDaeMun
​ ​Today the trip went to DongDaeMun, a place I used to go every Sunday with my old roommate six years ago. For old times sake I bought a...
Dec 9, 2017
Day 13: Market
​​Today the day started with some 3000 won (roughly 2.5 Euro or 3 USD) Donkatsu. As I told you yesterday, life in Korea is all about...
Dec 9, 2017
[TRANS] Jin Recipe : 2014 Rice Cake Soup
It’s time for another Jin recipe. The fourth one in this translation series (we’re slowly getting there). Today Jin brings us yet another...
Dec 8, 2017
Day 12: Food Culture
​There is something else that I've come to realise is a cultural difference too and that's attitudes towards food. In South Korea...
Dec 7, 2017
Day 11: Catching Up
I didn't name this blog post "catching up" because I caught with old friends again today, unfortunately. I named it so because I have...
Dec 6, 2017
Day 10: Class Outing
There were no normal classes for me today. Instead, a little culture excursion was on the menu. Usually these excursions are done later...
Dec 5, 2017
Day 9: School Tour
Today was the second day of classes, and like the first it was a great deal of fun and I learnt lots and also enjoyed myself. Tomorrow I...
Dec 4, 2017
Day 8: Becoming a real Student
I finally have internet. Now that's a relief. Life is about to be a little easier now that I don't have to go down and sit in a cold room...
Dec 3, 2017
Day 7: New Roommate
So you know how I said that not a lot happened yesterday...? Well at the time of writing it, that was true, but then I posted my blog...
Dec 2, 2017
Day 6: Culture Differences
Before I get further into today’s topic, which is a little different, I have news: the university has allowed me to move rooms on Monday...
Nov 30, 2017
Day 5: Results and drinking
My test results are out. Last time I was in Korea I studied Korean level 1. It has been six years since then, but I hadn't really studied...
Nov 30, 2017
Day 4: Making a Home
​ My friend’s roommate moved out early this morning, so I was all ready to pack up and move rooms, we just needed to check with the...
Nov 29, 2017
Day 3: Culture Day in Korea
​Today is culture day. The last Wednesday of each month is culture day and on those days most museums and other such culture experiences...
Nov 28, 2017
Day 2: Exams and Autumn
Before starting classes there are exams to take. I had already taken the first two before arriving in South Korea, and I scored so high...
Nov 27, 2017
Day 1: Weary from Travel
After a good 22 hours total of travel, I finally walked out of the plane and was immediately greeted by a huge billboard. It was...
Nov 25, 2017
The Art of Packing
​I count myself lucky that I am an expert packer. Some people think that packing is just a matter of throwing things into a suitcase....
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