My busy friday started in Myungdong early in the morning. I went there to watch Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2. Myungdong sure is something different so early in the morning: The streets are filled with people going to work and japanese tourists.

I bought my ticket at 9:42 and since the film started at 9:40 I got a discount. The ticket was supposed to cost 9000 won (~45 Danish crowns) but I bought mine for 5000 won (~25 Danish crowns): yuppi. I arrived in the cinema just five minutes late, so I missed the short reminder at the beginning of what the previous film had been about, and arrived just as part 2 started.
I must admit that I wasn’t a big fan of the film, Harry Potter book number seven being the one that I like the least, I also felt that it didn’t translate well into film and the jokes were often too desperate. But even though I wasn’t that impressed by the film I had a very fun 2 hours and 30 minutes anyways.
I have now come to improve my reading skills in Korea to the point that I could manage to read the subtitles, and understand most of it, and those Korean subtitles really were wonderful. The korean language doesn’t have words to designate a person such as He or She, but in the film they kept saying He or she in almost every sentence. The way that they translated this into Korean was by writing: “그” in the subtitles (yes with the ” ” as well). The funny thing about this is that 그 literally means: ‘that’, as in ‘that thing over there’. I had a good laugh when I first saw that, but when I thought about it, it makes good sense, since I am unable think of any other way of translating it into Korean without making the subtitles very very long.
After the film I walked around and did some shopping (pictures to follow in another post). I then headed home and met up with Unnie. We headed out to go to the supermarket, as we were out of food.
On our way we met this 할머니 (pronounced; Halmoni, meaning: grandmother, elderly lady) as we were waiting on the escalator at Seoul station (there are huge queues so one always has to wait for a while) who complimented my Korean and my looks and asked where I was from . We parted with her then but met her a total of four times after that, three times inside of the supermarket and once on our way back in the metro again. Similar episodes have happened quite often, I reckon that 할머니’s here don’t see a lot of Foreigners speaking Korean with their friends here, so they approach me out of curiosity. They are all very nice so I answer their questions and try to practice my high form Korean (probably the most difficult thing we have learnt so far as almost every words changes completely when you speak in high form).
Once we has finished our shopping and had deposited our bags at home we met up with some of Unnie’s classmates for diner and drinks in Sincheon.

After that we headed to the small batting center situated just across the street and three of us went in. It was my first time at a batting center, and even though I was really bad at it and only got 50 points, it was very fun.

After having tried out the batting center we headed to a 노래방 (pronounced norebang): a Korean style Karaoke room.

I know have several random and videos laying around my computer of Norebang singing screaming. The funny part about Norebangs is that even though someone sings well normally, their voice just doesn’t come out nicely in a Norebang unless they only concentrate on singing perfectly, which just isn’t any fun.
Another highly successful day, that thankfully didn’t leave much of a hangover despite the many drinks.